Sunday, April 26, 2009


Mysterious Child's Mom writes again.

I've taken Ben to a phycologist 3 times now. I'm not sure this is helping so far. I'm not sure if I'm doing something to "hurt" his self image. I'm not sure I should be going.

Some days I just think I need to lighten up.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Mysterious Child's Mom writes again.
Ben's Doctor has been offering us meds for a long time now. I'd say since he was 3. I've resisted and there were days that I even considered it. This last time I filled a meds script for 2 weeks, then decided against doing that. He was so depressed that week, it was awful. The spark went out.
The Doctor also recommended that he go to a counsellor and maybe he could learn some coping techniques there. We've gone once now. It wasn't enough to let us know if this will be helpful but it wasn't a bad experience in anyway. I do hope he'll give ME coping tips and help ME with how to reach my son better.
Going all out ... to find what's best for my boy.

To Label a Disorder or not?

Mysterious Child's Mom writes again.

What is a label? ADD, ADHD, OCD, Autism = what exactly? Yes, they help us find on line, the kinds of treatments available. They help us know what to "expect" from our mysterious child. They also tell others what to expect from them.

I want my son to have every chance to be who he is, not what people expect from the label assigned him. Which means, so far, I have nothing to type in the search engine to find my child on line. Some days, that is frustrating. Other days, that is liberating.

Oh, I know many others have found a label has afforded them respite, funding and a teacher's aid. I do not begrudge them that. Lord knows, we all need a little help sometimes. So why am I so leery to have my son labeled?

What's in a name?